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Books, By Author (A through D)

Akashi Motojiro. Rakka ryusui: Colonel Akashi's report on his secret cooperation with the Russian revolutionary parties during the Russo-Japanese War. Helsinki: SHS, 1988

Allen, Willis Boyd, The North Pacific, a Story of the Russo-Japanese War. New York : E.P. Dutton, 1905

Allison, Graham T. ; Kimura, Hiroshi, Sarkisov, K. O., Beyond Cold War to Trilateral Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region. Cambridge, Mass. : Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project, Harvard University, 1992

Altham, Edward Altham, The Principles of War Historically Illustrated. London, Macmillan and Co., limited, 1914

Anderson, John H. The Russo-Japanese war on Land 1904-1905, up to the Battle of Liao-Yang. London, H. Rees, 1911

Andreyev, Leonid, Le rire rouge. Paris, Felix Javen, ca 1915

Anethan, Eleanora Mary Haggard, baronne d', Fourteen Years of Diplomatic Life in Japan; Leaves from the Diary of Baroness Albert d'Anethan. New York: McBride, Nast, 1912

Arenhort, Oberstleutnant Musynski yon. Militar-Topographische Besehreibung der Mandschurei. Wien, Leopold Weiss, 1905

Ariga, Nagao, La guerre russo-japonaise au point de vue continental et le droit international d'après les documents officiels du Grand Etat-major japonais (section historique de la guerre de 1904-1905). Paris : A. Pedone, 1908

Asakawa, Kan'ichi, The Russo-Japanese Conflict: Its Causes and Issues. Port Washington, N.Y., Kennikat Press, 1970 1904.

Ashmead-Bartlett, Ellis, Port Arthur, the Siege and Capitulation. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1906

Austin, Herbert Henry, A Scamper through the Far East, including a Visit to Manchurian Battlefields. London: Arnold, 1909

Axelrod, Alan, Political History of America's Wars. Washington DC, Congressional Quarterly Press, 2006.

Balet, Jean Cyprian, Le Japon militaire. L'armée et la marine japonaises en 1910. Yokohama, Kelly & Walsh, Ltd.; Paris, El Leroux, 1910

Baring, Maurice, What I Saw in Russia. London, New York [etc.] T. Nelson & sons, 1913

Barry, Richard Hayes. Port Arthur. New York, Moffat, Yard & Co, 1905

Barry, Richard Hayes, The Events Man; Being an Account of the Adventures of Stanley Washburn, American War Correspondent. New York, Moffat, Yard & Co., 1907

Bartlett, Ellis Ashmead. Port Arthur: The Siege and Capitulation. Edinburgh: Blaekwood, 1906

Behrmann, Max Theodor. Hinter den Kulissen des mandschurischen Kriegstheaters; lose Bläitter aus dem Tagebuche eines Kriegskorrespondenten. Berlin: C.A. Schwetschke und Sohn, 1905

Bird, Wilkinson Dent, Lectures on the Strategy of the Russo-Japanese War. London; H. Rees, 1911

Birkenhead, Frederick Edwin Smith, Earl of;  Sibley, Norman Wise, International Law as Interpreted During the Russo-Japanese War. Boston: Boston Book, 1905

Blond, Georges, Admiral Togo. New York, Macmillan, 1960

Bodley, Ronald Victor Courtenay,.Admiral Togo; the Authorized Life of Admiral of the Fleet, Marquis Heihachiro Togo. London, Jarrolds, 1935

Bogdanov, Aleksandr A. Iz-za chego voina i chemu ona uchit?. Geneva: Tipografia Partii, 1904

Bompard, Maurice and Gabrielle. Mon ambassade en Russie, 1903-1908. Paris, Plon, 1937

Boyd, James Penny. Russia and Japan, Including the Tragic Struggle by Land and Sea for Empire in the Far East. London, New York [etc.] The Historical Company, 1906

Brenner, Vladimir, Count Witte: Scenes from His Life and Times, 1902-1915. Hicksville, N.Y.: Exposition Press, 1979

Bronsart von Schellendorff, Friedrich Heinrich Bruno Julius. Sechs Monate beim japanischen Feldheer. Berlin: E.S. Mittler und Sohn, 1906

Brooke, Leopold Guy Francis Maynard Greville, Earl, An Eye-Witness in Manchuria. London, E. Nash, 1905

Burleigh, Bennet, Empire of the East; or, Japan and Russia at War, 1904-5. London, Chapman & Hall, ld., 1905

Busch, Noel Fairchild, The Emperor's Sword; Japan vs. Russia m the Battle of Tsushima. New York, F'unk & Wagnalls, 1969

Carl, Prinz von Hohenzollern. Meine Erlebnisse während des russisch-japanisehen Krieges, 1904-1905. Berlin: E.S. Mittler, 1912

Charnwood, Baron Godfrey Rathbone Benson, Theodore Roosevelt. Boston,  The Atlantic Monthly Press, ,

Chéradame, André, Le monde et la guerre russo-japonaise. Paris : Plon-Nourrit et Cie, 1906

Christie, Dugald. Thirty Years in Moukden, 1883-1913, being the Experiences and Recollections of Dugald Christie. London: Constable, 1914

Churchill, Rogers Platt,  The Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907. Cedar Rapids, Ia., The Torch Press,, 1939

Clyde, Paul Hibbert,  International Rivalries in Manchuria, 1689-1922. Columbus, The Ohio State University Press, 1929

Conrad, Joseph, Notes on Life & Letters. London: Dent, 1921.

Cordonnier, Emilien Louis Victor, The Japanese in Manchuria, 1904. London: H. Rees, 1912

Cotes, Everard, Signs and Portents in the Far East, New York: G.P. Putnam, 1907

Croly, Herbert David, Willard Straight, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1924

Davis, Richard Harding, Adventures and Letters of Richard Harding Davis. New York, Scribner's, 1917

Davis, Richard Harding & Mahan, Alfred Thayer, The Russo-Japanese War a photographic and descriptive review of the great conflict in the Far East, gathered from the reports, records, cable dispatches,

Denikin, Anton Ivanovich, The Career of a Tsarist Officer. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1975

Dennett, Tyler,  Roosevelt and the Russo-Japanese War. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Page, 1925

Dennett, Tyler, John Hay: From Poetry to Politics. New York: Dodd,Mead & Company, 1939

Dillon, Emile Joseph, The Eclipse of Russia. London, & Toronto  J.M, Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1918

Donat, Karl von, The Russo-Japanese War. (Official German Records). London, H. Rees, 1909

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 News and Links

To learn nore, the following books are available:

Heroes & Friends: Behind the Scenes of the Treaty of Portsmouth by Michiko Nakanishi

There Are No Victors Here: A Local Perspective on the Treaty of Portsmouth by Peter E. Randall

Also available:

An Uncommon Commitment to Peace Exhibit Catalogue published by the Japan-America Society of NH

Blessed Are the Peacemakers: The Service of Thanksgiving for the Portsmouth Treaty, September 5, 1905 by Marina Grot Turkevich Naumann

Original 1905 newsreel footage on DVD

Treaty of Portsmouth 1905-2005 book of reproduction historical postcards.

The Portsmouth Peace Process: Guide for Teachers by Northeast Cultural Coop

Portsmouth Peace Treaty Trail

For hours, directions, details on the Portsmouth Historical Society museum where the Portsmouth Peace Treaty exhibit is displayed, click here.

For hours, directions, details on Strawbery Banke Museum and the Shapiro House, owned by one of the founders of Temple Israel who figured in the Treaty citizen diplomacy, click here.

For information about Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and Building 86 where the formal negotiations were held. click here.

For more information about Wentworth By the Sea Hotel, where both delegations stayed, click here.

For more information about Green Acre Bahai School and Sarah Farmer's commitment to the peace process, click here.

The Portsmouth Public Library maintains an micorfilm archive of local newspapers and an index of the relevant Treaty reporting and other related materials. The archive of original newspapers, photographs and other documents is maintained by the Portsmouth Athenaeum.



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