"The Times" Map of the Russo-Japanese War Compiled from Sources and Telegrams Practically Exclusive to The Times, London: Banks & Bain, 1904
A Race to War: Japanese Public Intellecturals and Racial Explanations of the Russo-Japanese War, Subodhana Wijeyeratne, The Asia Pacific Journal, October 2020
Admiral Togo, A Memoir,Tokyo: Togo Gensui Hensankai, 1934
Aux Victimes de la Guerre Russo-Japonaise, Paris: Edouard Pelletan, 1904
Black and White, A Weekly Illustrated Record and Review. London, The Black and White Pub. Co, 1904-5
Cassell's History of the Russo-Japanese War, London, Paris, New York, Melbourne, Cassell and Company, Limited, 1905
Comptes rendus publiés par le Rouskii Invalid de Conférenees sur la guerre russo-japonaise faites à l'académie . d'Etat-major Nicolas. Paris : Henri Charles-Lavauzelle, 1906
Der russisch-japanische Krieg. Von einem deutschen Stabs-Offizier. Minden in Westfalen: W. Köhler, 1906
Epitome of the Russo-Japanese War, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1907.
God Voiny, Geneva: Tipografia Partii, 1905
Guerre Russo-Japonaise, 1904-1905. Historique rédigé à lEtat major général de l'armée russe, Paris, R. Chapelot, 1910-1914.
Japan by the Japanese, New York: Dodd, Mead, 1904
Journal de St Petersbourg, July 1- December 31,1904
L'armee japonaise. Extrait de la revue militaire des armees etrangeres redigee a l'etat major de l'armee 2me bureau,Paris, Chapelot, 1904
Official History (Naval and Military) of the Russo-Japanese War, London, Printed for H.M. Stationery off., by Harrison and Sons, 1910, 1920
Official Report of the Thirteenth Universal Peace Congress Held at Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., October Third to Eighth, 1904, Boston, The Peace Congress Committee, 1904
Photo album with eleven photos of damaged Russian fleet in Manila Bay, as well as two photos of William Taft.
Pochemu sdalsia Port-Arthur,Geneva: Tipografia Partii, 1904
Postcards: statue in Kronstadt ofA dm. Stepan Makarov, killed when the Petropavlosk hit a mine near Port Arthur, 13 April, 1904; and the cruiser Admiral Nakimova
Prizyvnoi, N.p.: Partiia Sotsialistov-Revoliutsionerov
Résumé statistique de l'empire du Japan, Tokyo, 1909
Russo-Japanese War, 1904: outline of events up to August 24th, 1904, including a more detailed narrative of the battles of Yalu and Nanshan, Tickenham, England: Printed by Anthony C. Hall, 1924
Sibirskaya Zhizni,Tomsk, 1904
The Commission of H.M.S. Talbot, 1901-1904. Including a full description of the Battle of Chemulpho, the sinking of the 'Varvag' as seen by the ship's company,London, Westminster Press, 1904
The Illustrated London News, New York: International News Co., 1904
The Japan-Russia War. Yokohama : Tanuma Pub. Co, 1904 1905
The King and His Navy and Army. London, !903 1905
The Official History of the Russo-Japanese War. London : Printed for H.M.S.O. by Harrison and Sons, 1908-1910
The Russo- Japanese War: Reports from British Officers Attached to the Japanese Forces in the Field. London: HMSO, 1908.
The Russo- Japanese War: Selection of Reports from British Officers Attached to the Japanese Forces in the Field. London: War Office, 1905
The Russo-Japanese War. Newport Beach, Calif., distributed by Fraser House & CIE, 1979
The Russo-Japanese War Fully Illustrated. Tokyo, Kinkodo-Shoseki-Kabushiki-Kaisha. (The Kinkodo Pub. Co.), 1905
The Russo-Japanese War; Navy. Tokyo: K. Ogawa, 1904-5
The Russo-Japanese War; The First Army. Tokyo: K. Ogawa, 1904-5
The Russo-Japanese War; The Fourth Army, Number One. Tokyo: K. Ogawa, 1904-5