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Hanover, Dartmouth and the Japan-America Society of NH Welcome Sister City Delegation on July 26

Hanover, New Hampshire (July 7, 2014) -- 110 years ago, Asakawa Kan’ichi, Dartmouth College Class of 1899 and Dartmouth lecturer 1902-07, published several essays in the Yale Review (where he had earned his PhD in History in 1902) on the Russo-Japanese War: Its Causes and Issues. The Russo-Japanese War, which raged from 1904 until the signing of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty, in Portsmouth NH, on September 5, 1905 is now recognized by historians as "World War Zero" for its modern weapons, huge casualties and the conflicting interests of international governments.


Having seen how little Japan was understood in the United States at the turn of the century, Asakawa decided to dedicate his life to the enhancement of mutual understanding between Japan and the United States. This he did through a lifetime of devotion to scholarship while teaching first at Dartmouth College (1902-1906) and then at Yale University from 1907 to 1942. Dartmouth President William Tucker paid the expenses for Asakawa to be in Portsmouth during the Treaty proceedings in August 1905. Tucker also gave the address at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in 1906 when a memorial tablet was dedicated on Building 86 where the Treaty was signed. (Building now contains Treaty Rooms exhibit and the tablet is still there.)

The Portsmouth Peace Treaty was a moment in Japanese international history that marked the emergence of Japan as a global player. The Treaty, signed in Portsmouth on September 5,1905 won President Theodore Roosevelt the Nobel Peace Prize -- even though he never came to Portsmouth. September 5th is now, by state law, Portsmouth Peace Treaty Day throughout New Hampshire. 


Asakawa was from the town of Nihonmatsu in Fukushima Prefecture (coincidentally where the great earthquake and tsunami of 2012 was centered). Nihonmatsu and Hanover have been Sister Cities since the early 1990s. A group of junior high students and chaperones from Fukushima visit Hanover every summer, and Nihonmatsu reciprocates by hosting Dartmouth students in the summer language program in Japan for a weekend homestay.


On Saturday, July 26 at 2 pm at The Hanover Inn (2 East Wheelock Street), the Town of Hanover, Dartmouth and the Japan-America Society welcome 10 students and the Mayor of Nihonmatsu with a program by the Japan Society president and founder of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty Forum, Atty Chales Doleac. He presents his NH Humanities Council talk -- "Teddy Roosevelt's Nobel Peace Prize & the Portsmouth Peace Treaty" -- with additional historical details on Asakawa and the Dartmouth connection. The talk is free and open to the public. Refreshments served.

For a month's view Calendar, click here.

The Japan-America Society is the 501c3 nonprofit that supports the efforts of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty Forum. To join, click here.

© Richard Haynes
Haynes Images

For information about ordering fine art prints of this Treaty Centennial symbol, and other commemorative items, click here.

For information about the Russia Society of New Hampshire, write to
PO Box 177
Concord NH 03302-0177

For a Russian-language description of the Treaty exhibit click here.

For the Russian-language Library of Congress description of the Treaty of Portsmouth, click here.


 News and Links

To learn nore, the following books are available:

Heroes & Friends: Behind the Scenes of the Treaty of Portsmouth by Michiko Nakanishi

There Are No Victors Here: A Local Perspective on the Treaty of Portsmouth by Peter E. Randall

Also available:

An Uncommon Commitment to Peace Exhibit Catalogue published by the Japan-America Society of NH

Blessed Are the Peacemakers: The Service of Thanksgiving for the Portsmouth Treaty, September 5, 1905 by Marina Grot Turkevich Naumann

Original 1905 newsreel footage on DVD

Treaty of Portsmouth 1905-2005 book of reproduction historical postcards.

The Portsmouth Peace Process: Guide for Teachers by Northeast Cultural Coop

Portsmouth Peace Treaty Trail

For hours, directions, details on the Portsmouth Historical Society museum where the Portsmouth Peace Treaty exhibit is displayed, click here.

For hours, directions, details on Strawbery Banke Museum and the Shapiro House, owned by one of the founders of Temple Israel who figured in the Treaty citizen diplomacy, click here.

For information about Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and Building 86 where the formal negotiations were held. click here.

For more information about Wentworth By the Sea Hotel, where both delegations stayed, click here.

For more information about Green Acre Bahai School and Sarah Farmer's commitment to the peace process, click here.

The Portsmouth Public Library maintains an micorfilm archive of local newspapers and an index of the relevant Treaty reporting and other related materials. The archive of original newspapers, photographs and other documents is maintained by the Portsmouth Athenaeum.



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